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Webinar Rapid7

Part 1/3: Operationalising Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Series: Hackers're Gonna Hack

In the first webinar of the 'Cybersecurity Series', Jason Hart, Chief Technology Officer, EMEA, Rapid7, shares his experience on why executives need to consider their current operating model and how to radically transform them.

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Globally over $150 Billion was spent on Cybersecurity last year, but companies are still getting hacked. So if spending doubled, would breaches or impacts halve? Unlikely.

How we think about Security needs to change - removing complexity and risk requires a different approach.

Regrettably, cyber-attacks are a regular occurrence. Even the most security-conscious organisations are understandably reviewing their approach to ensure the six key foundations are in place for a robust defence.

Within the webinar series, you will learn:

  • Key considerations for a top-down security strategy that challenges the status quo
  • What matters most in Risk Management
  • The core foundations of the target operating model
  • How to increase cybersecurity posture, reduce risk, and improve ROI without significant investment in budgets or teams
  • Create plans that challenge convention and positively impact the Cybersecurity journey.