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  • Office 365 Security Pain Points – Improper Administration and Non-Compliance
Report CoreView Office 365 Security Pain Points –  Improper Administration and  Non-Compliance

Office 365 Security Pain Points – Improper Administration and Non-Compliance

Solutions to nine administration and compliance problems

Two of the biggest threats to Office 365 are a lack of compliance with security policies, and unsafe administration through excessive and poorly defined global privileges. Meanwhile, IT must still face regulatory compliance issues such as GDPR. Virtually all organisations have some basic forms of security protection, such as anti-virus and firewalls – but nothing for Office 365-specific security issues. The basic tools they have make them feel safe. Meanwhile, larger shops likely have defence-in-depth for general security and compliance and regulatory controls and solutions – but again, nothing for Office-365 specific administration and security compliance concerns.

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  • The problem of misconfiguration
  • Insider breaches and end user malfeasance
  • Failure to log and audit
  • Why you can't implement zero trust
  • And more