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  • Bringing IT and physical security together to better protect the business
Ebook Genetec -  Bringing IT & physical security together to better protect the business

Bringing IT and physical security together to better protect the business

5 steps to ensure a more resilient enterprise

Enhance your organisation's security by merging efforts in physical and cyber security. While IT professionals safeguard information in the virtual realm, the importance of securing the physical side is often overlooked. This eBook delves into critical implications, from insider threats to the integration of numerous IP edge devices. Discover the 5 steps to ensure a more resilient enterprise and explore how aligning physical security with IT best practices establishes a robust security posture, enhancing protection for your network, data, and organisation.

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This e-book covers:

  • How to reduce cyber-security risks
  • Maximising security data
  • Shifting to a hybrid-cloud approach