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  • 5 Mid-Market Cybersecurity Strategies to Survive the Current Threat Landscape
Report One Source 5 Midmarket Cybersecurity Strategies For Companies to Survive the Current Threat Landscap

5 Midmarket Cybersecurity Strategies For Companies to Survive the Current Threat Landscape

Cybersecurity Risks Are More Real Than Ever

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity risks have risen exponentially. The shift to a largely remote workforce presents an even bigger opportunity for hackers to expose vulnerabilities and attack businesses. However, it’s important to acknowledge that it is not just large, enterprise companies that are at risk. The sheer volume of these threats means that small and mid-market companies are in jeopardy as well, but many don’t have the resources to hire dedicated cybersecurity experts. For too many companies without these resources, they accept antivirus packages as a viable solution. But unfortunately, you can’t purchase a simple subscription and give your company the all-around protection it needs. And chances are, if you’re unaware of the risks, there are going to be even more.

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  • Understanding the risk
  • What companies are missing
  • 5 components of successful cybersecuity strategy
  • And more!