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Report Forescout 5 Network Security Challenges that Have IT Banging their Head Against a Wall

5 Network Security Challenges that Have IT Banging their Head Against a Wall

How Complexity and the Explosion of Devices Make it Difficult to Secure the Network

We live in “interesting” times—an age of explosive growth when it comes to the numbers and types of devices that reside on enterprise networks. Managed devices with security agents on board, such as conventional PCs, laptops and corporate-owned smartphones, are becoming an ever-decreasing slice of the pie as Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) devices join networks by the millions or billions every year. Download this report to find out how to overcome these network security challenges.

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"77% of companies admit that increased usage of IoT devices creates significant security challenges, and that 76% of those companies are reassessing how they secure their networks." - Forrester Research