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Checklist Ivalua Sourcing Automation Checklist

Sourcing Automation Checklist

Everything you need to think about when starting a sourcing automation project

Automating an organisation’s sourcing process is increasingly common as procurement teams look for ways to optimise and streamline the value creation process. Sourcing solutions are a great place to start since they often return the best return-on-investment (ROI) when compared to other procurement solutions. However, according to recent Forrester research, 82% of companies that have implemented a procurement technology regret their choice. Download this whitepaper to gain access to a sourcing automation checklist designed to help your organisation plan for success.

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This checklist is designed to help your organisation plan for success by gaining insights into 7 key areas of any technology automation initiative:

  • Objectives
  • People
  • Organization
  • Process
  • Data 
  • Metrics
  • Technology.