5 Ways to Think Outside the Box When Hiring


Keith CoppersmithBusiness Consultant

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ensuring your new recruit has the necessary skills to complete the role and bring something fresh to the team is a constant struggle for businesses everywhere. So HR Managers need to think outside the box when it comes to hiring the right person.

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5 Ways to Think Outside the Box When Hiring

The millennial workforce is definitely not an easy one to please. With employee retention rate lower than ever before, and the modern worker being completely unafraid to leave a steady job in search of better opportunities and a more appreciative work environment, it’s no wonder that modern business are struggling.

In an extremely competitive job market, managers are having a difficult time finding, attracting, and keeping top talent in the industry from leaving the company for an appealing counter-offer, but that is just one problem the modern business leader has to face. Here’s why it’s important to think outside the box when looking for new team members.

1. Give everyone a chance

Many job descriptions require a combination of concrete knowledge, education, and experience, and a unique set of soft skills that a person either does or doesn’t possess. You might come across a “perfect” candidate based on their resume and education, but if that person doesn’t possess the necessary attributes to interact with others in an effective, harmonious way, then hiring them might not be a wise long-term decision.

Instead, you should consider alternative resumes for the job description and give everyone a chance to showcase their skills and personality traits. You might find that an English major has more interpersonal soft skills than an experienced HR manager applying for the same position, so keep an open mind and let people from various branches apply for the job – you just might find the diamond in the rough you were looking for.

2. Actively search for new talent

Ask anyone who has had success finding and hiring the best talent in the industry and they are likely to tell you that they achieved this goal not through traditional marketing channels, but via networking, mingling, and smart socializing. You see, quality employees are in high demand, and usually, these individuals are not exactly part of the public job market.

No, these are individuals who receive offers from companies rather than reaching out to employers themselves. These people receive counteroffers, they are nurtured, courted, and groomed by businesses in need of their talents until they finally sign on the dotted line. With that in mind, you should use networking as a way to get in touch with these top-tier professionals and connect with them on a more personal level.

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3. Don’t exclude people with special needs

Another way to find the best talent in the industry is to take into account all of the employee types out there, and not just limit yourself to traditional applicants. Workplace diversity is the key phrase you’re looking for here and it can help you grow the company in the long run in a myriad of ways. Not only will leading a diversified workforce help build a positive company culture, but it will also allow you to attract the best professionals in your industry.

For instance, employers frequently overlook people with disabilities, when in reality these individuals might just be the ideal workers you’re looking for. People with special needs often reach out to professional disability employment agencies with experience in this area who will train them for specific job roles and help them get in touch with employers like yourself. This out-of-the-box hiring method is a great way to build your brand’s reputation, find top talent in the field, and uphold individual rights.

4. Use the one-question interview to your advantage

There are numerous ways to interview an employee and to review their resume, and the method you choose will depend on the job position in question and the tasks and duties it entails. For higher-level positions, for instance, traditional interviewing might fail to yield the desired results or give you a concrete indication of whether or not the candidate is right for the job.

This is simply because upper management requires a complex skill set, and a unique experience and knowledge base very few people manage to obtain over the years. To differentiate the ones that possess these traits from those who are not best suited for the role, try using the one-question method.

In essence, this means asking the candidate to describe their major achievements in great detail. Sit back and let them talk, listen carefully to how they tell their story, write down notes and follow-up questions, and observe their body language with a keen eye. When they’re finished, you can move on to supplementary behavioral questions to find out exactly how they managed to accomplish each task.

5. Have a long-term goal for the employee

Lastly, keep in mind that in order to attract the best of the best, you should have more in store for them than just a fat paycheck at the end of each month. Money is not as strong a motivator as it used to be, and you should have a comprehensive growth strategy in place that will help the employee grow, expand their horizons, and enrich their professional life under the guidance of your brand. Set clear long-term goals, and seek out those with the willingness to achieve them.

Keith Coppersmith

Keith is an Adelaide based business consultant with a degree in Media Management


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