How to Get the Most Out of Your Team


Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for Management pros

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Getting each individual in your team to reach their full potential is at the heart of being a successful manager.

Article 2 Minutes
How to Get the Most Out of Your Team

There are a lot of KPIs that are used to measure the success of a team and, by extension, that of their manager. However, getting the best out of each individual takes much more than understanding performance analytics. The most effective managers are those that know each member of their team and understand what motivates and drives them to be better. But even the most engaged employees can experience lulls in productivity, so how can you encourage them to reach their full potential during these times?

Simple management techniques can be used to help get the most out of your team, which will also give them a higher level of job satisfaction.

Praise good work

A study from Mindflash found that appreciating employees was one of the best ways to motivate them. This can seem like a management basic but in reality, it's often forgotten. Making time to give praise to employees that do a great job - or go above and beyond their own role - is a key way to help motivate them to be more productive and engaged in the future.

This will also boost their mood, which research suggests is another effective way to motivate people in your team.

Listen to your employees

If employees aren't working to their full potential, it's likely that there's a problem. It may be that their work has become dull and unrewarding or that they feel what they do isn't important. Either way, these matters can be improved - if not resolved - by listening to your team. There may be certain things you can do to change the situation - such as altering the dynamics of the team or having brainstorming sessions. Ensuring that your employees feel listened to is an essential part of making them more productive.

Understand the team

As mentioned previously, it's important to understand each and every member of your team, even the ones you don't automatically gel with. In fact, getting to know individuals is one of the best ways to deal with long-term problems with disengagement as it helps you see what will motivate and drive them to succeed.

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