5 Highly Effective Ways to Get More (High-Quality) Traffic to Your Website

Friday, September 9, 2022

When you set the goal of increasing traffic to your website, you must make sure you’re aiming for high-quality traffic.

Article 4 Minutes
 5 Highly Effective Ways to Get More (High-Quality) Traffic to Your Website

But what does this mean in terms of online marketing? To put it bluntly, the ideal online visitor has a high potential of becoming a loyal customer (preferably for the long term). However, while SEO and online marketing specialists try to find ways to target only those with a clear intention to buy, the reality is not always black and white.

Still, there are a few things you can do to avoid attracting traffic that’s irrelevant to your niche. Plus, with a bit of tweaking, there’s a good chance to increase your conversion rate and boost sales.

So, if you’re interested in attracting new viewers with strong purchase potential, here’s what you should do:

1. Check your On-Page SEO

While an SEO strategy may be different from website to website, you always have to start with on-page (or on-site) SEO. This is a basic level of SEO where you take all the principles that make a website attractive to users and search engines and apply them to your website.

This often includes the following:

  • H1 and title tags optimization
  • Meta tags and descriptions
  • Internal and external linking (where you connect the pages of your website with other, relevant pages)
  • Page load speed (this factor is used by Google in their ranking formula)
  • Website navigation structure
  • The use of white space on pages
  • Use of Schema.org structured data or other markups
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Arranging visual elements in pages

Basically, any action of page optimization designed to make search engines happy and attract users’ attention can be seen as on-page SEO.

2. Strong Local SEO

Local SEO is designed to make your business more visible in local search results. This way, if you’re promoting a cute New York coffee shop or a brick-and-mortar shoe store around Fifth Avenue, you want to make sure people know about it.

All businesses with a physical location can benefit from this type of SEO. You can start with building an attractive Google Business Profile, but you also need to know a bit about search intent and how users discover new services online.

Plus, your online presence and reputation matter, especially at a local level, in a busy city, where the competition is often fierce. In a nutshell, if your brand doesn’t show up in the top 3 search results, you’re losing customers. But you can use professional SEO services to remedy this situation and build an unmissable online presence that will help you stand out.

3. Content is still king

Nowadays, everyone creates some type of content, so it’s easy to brush it off, thinking there’s no way to stand out. But this would be a mistake.

Google favors those businesses that put out fresh content on their blog and social media. The secret is to create memorable, high quality content that targets the keywords you want to rank for while also connecting with the audience.

This type of content brings value to your target audience, connects with other creators in the niche and can even put a low-ranking brand on the map.

4. Consistency is queen

Good content is truly important for your website and online presence, but it won’t be as effective if you’re not consistent with your posting. Google and your audience like routine, so it helps to create a content posting schedule.

In fact, it helps to have a well-developed content strategy where you think a few steps ahead and plan your content a few weeks in advance. This way, you can stay consistent but also create relevant and up-to-date content that fits current events that may influence your niche.

5. Set up emailing campaigns

A good way to increase traffic on your website is through newsletters and various emailing campaigns. But only if you do it right.

For instance, it helps to segment your email list (if it’s long enough) into several categories, such as existing customers, recurring buyers, leads, new subscribers and so on. This way, you can send out personalized emails to each of these categories, which helps with the conversion rate.

Also, make sure to avoid spamming your subscribers with highly promotional messages that are not relevant to their needs. Emailing campaigns must respect a delicate balance so the receiver doesn’t feel annoyed by the frequency of your messages.

Emily Peyton

Emily, an obsessive about small details and fine print, helps SaaS companies improve their content marketing strategies. She considers written art as a key factor for growth, and loves to read in her spare time. 


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