How to Optimize Videos for SEO Rankings


Ardziv SimonianContent Creator at Website Builder Expert

Thursday, December 8, 2022

It’s not just your web pages that need to be optimized for SEO – in today’s digital landscape, where YouTube is among the most used social networking sites, optimizing your videos is crucial.

Infographic 8 Minutes
How to Optimize Videos for SEO Rankings

Along with learning about video optimization for webpages, it’s also important to know about video optimization for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. This is another vital part of optimization as it helps videos to be discovered on search engines such as Google and Bing.

Since Google acquired YouTube, it’s been serving more videos into search engine results pages to aid users. It’s not surprising, as videos are the best way to keep user attention. So much so, that users spend the most time per visit on YouTube at an average of 22 minutes!

It’s also one of the leading social network sites for users aged 15-25:

Graph showing the leading social network sites for ages 15 to 25

Even for videos you use on your website, it’s recommended to upload to YouTube and embed them from there. Besides the SEO benefit, it’s another popular channel for users to discover your content and afterwards, your brand/website.

Optimizing videos for SEO involves various elements from writing video transcripts to making sure titles and descriptions have the appropriate keywords included. There are also various tools and methods to help highlight what to include into these.

For more information, please see Website Builder Expert’s infographic on SEO Video Optimization:

Website Builder Expert guide for optimising videos for SEO

Ardziv Simonian

Ardziv Simonian is a content creator at Website Builder Expert. He aims to provide useful content and simplify complex subjects to help readers understand and learn quicker.


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