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Report GEP Demand Sensing: A Critical Supply Chain Capability for the Now Economy

Demand Sensing: A Critical Supply Chain Capability for the Now Economy

Companies that want to raise sales, reduce costs and free up working capital should invest time, money and resources in demand sensing

In an age of instant gratification, meeting immediate market demand is key to retaining competitive advantage. In fact, the Now Economy is all about understanding how crucial it is to cater to demand before it changes. With fluctuating customer attitudes and diminishing loyalty, every advantage counts. A joint paper — Demand Sensing: A Critical Supply Chain Capability for the Now Economy — by GEP and Supply Management Insider discusses how demand sensing helps companies make their supply chains more proactive and responsive as demand fluctuates. It’s a game changer for firms with large sales volumes.

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  • A hands-on perspective on demand sensing within product lifecycles
  • The unique, unified technologies behind demand sensing
  • How finely-honed algorithms make sense of internal and external data