6 Old-School Business Processes to Leave Behind in 2022


Katy FlattFreelance Marketing Consultant for Stampli

Friday, September 9, 2022

Opportunities exist for your business to grow and thrive when new technology allows for greater efficiency. However, many companies will make the mistake of trying to force this new technology to work with old processes. Instead, it’s time to embrace new ways of doing business and reengineer your functions to set yourself up for success.

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6 Old-School Business Processes to Leave Behind in 2022

Optimize your business processes for success today and in the future by leaving these six old-school business processes behind. Instead, implement new operating procedures that align with the present and allow you to excel in the future.  

Physical books and paper-based records

While technology has integrated into business in various ways, many companies still use paper-based records for human resources, accounting and other aspects of their business operations. Not only does this restrict access to your documents to only those referencing them in person, but it can also slow your business operations down considerably and put you at a higher risk of error.

Updating your business processes to incorporate digital record keeping has many benefits.

For example, digital record keeping allows for more accurate financial tracking by reducing human error risk and making it easier to share records between team members. It’ll also help to lower operating costs within your business by reducing the amount of paper used, batching the payment of bills and invoices and better analyzing and controlling spending within the company.

Relying on spreadsheets for data

Another way to improve your processes relating to company data is to break free from using traditional spreadsheets. From tracking leads to keeping accounting records, many great software programs or launch-ready phone apps can be used in the place of cumbersome and hard-to-navigate spreadsheets.

They look more aesthetically pleasing, making it easier on the eyes when working with this data, and they are also easier to navigate. This easy navigation will help to increase productivity and reduce the time needed to complete data-related tasks.

Bots and over-automation

As artificial intelligence (AI) and automation gained popularity, many businesses incorporated technology in various business processes. This integration included reporting and tracking to direct contact with customers using chatbots. While this has proven to be a successful approach to some aspects of running a business, removing the human touch from customer interactions has left many potential customers feeling unheard or unappreciated.

Rather than leaving automation in the past, businesses should adjust their processes to use this technology strategically.

Automation can streamline recruitment and onboarding processes, freeing your HR department to focus on other tasks. It’s also a great way to handle repetitive tasks, collect large amounts of data and analyze data. Marketing departments can automate tasks such as tracking leads and onboarding customers. Be intentional with your use of automation and prioritize human interaction. 

Cold calling

Cold calling is the traditional path to sales success. Over time, if you wanted to increase your business income, the solution was simple – make more cold calls. But unfortunately, this takes time and effort, occupying your sales team and taking time away from other tasks they could be completing.

Recent data shows that 92% of people believe unknown calls may be fraudulent, and 79% of these unknown calls go unanswered. Consequently, your team spends a lot of time making calls that lead nowhere.

One way to increase the success of your team’s sales calls is to trade in cold calling for warm calling practices. Warm calling refers to calling someone that has already connected with your business in some way. This level of contact could range from lukewarm leads who followed your brand on social media to red-hot prospects that have contacted you to discuss your products or services.

Not only will this increase the success rate of the calls executed, but it’s also a great opportunity to kickstart a customer relationship that can benefit your relationship moving forward.

Traditional office operations

The recent pandemic forced businesses to adjust and adapt to continue operating. For many, this included allowing employees to work remotely. However, as the government lifted the restrictions, most businesses have returned to a more traditional office setting.

For some employees, this was an opportunity to find a work style that better matched their work/life balance. For others, the return to a more traditional office setting free from the distractions at home and surrounded by the rest of the team was welcome.

To take advantage of the benefits of both working styles, business owners are encouraged to explore the hybrid work approach. This hybrid approach provides office spaces for in-person meetings, team sessions, employee onboarding and other in-person activities. The rest of the time, employees can work remotely. In addition, the office space is available for those who recognize that working remotely doesn’t work for them. Approximately 56% of employees believe hybrid work has the potential to improve their overall happiness and well-being, so its popularity isn’t a mystery.

Moving to a hybrid work model will require changing several business processes to allow access to the resources needed when working from home and facilitating communication. But it can greatly improve the mental health and happiness of your team.

“Top Down” company management

Effective management is a necessary part of running a profitable business. Your managerial approach can directly impact productivity, performance and team engagement. A top-down approach to management has traditionally been recognized as the ideal structure.

This “top-down” structure meant senior leaders established goals and put processes in place to ensure the company achieved them. Then, the leaders would communicate these decisions and plans to the company once established. While this is the most recognizable management structure, it’s better left behind and replaced with an agile management approach.

Engaging your team and improving productivity starts with creating a happy work environment by encouraging collaboration across the organization. Building this type of environment requires a corresponding change to your business processes. Invite participation and include your team in the decision-making process to ensure everyone is on the same page and ready to adapt to the new methods.

Changing business processes within your organization isn’t going to be easy.

Especially if you have an established team that has been following your current processes for an extended time, adjusting and adapting to a more modern approach can significantly impact the long-term happiness of your team and the company’s bottom line.

Katy Flatt

Katy Flatt works as a freelance marketing consultant for Stampli and other agencies, streamlining workflows and coordinating personnel while doing a little writing on the side. When she isn’t digitally organizing, she can be found cuddling with her rescue and foster dogs.


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