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Report CoreView Office 365 Security Pain Points – Identity and Privileges

Office 365 Security Pain Points – Identity and Privileges

Three ways to stop idenity attacks in their tracks

Smart IT shops load up on anti-virus/anti-malware, firewalls, as well as intrusion detection and prevention systems. But that still leaves Office 365 vulnerable to identity and privilege abuse and attacks. In fact, a survey of 27 million users across 600 enterprises found that 71.4% of Office 365 business users suffer at least one compromised account each month. Osterman Research surveyed Office 365 IT managers, and 71% of those asked struggled to “audit, manage and control privileged access into Office 365 applications.”

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  • How hackers exploit O365 identity and privileges and how to stop them
  • External user safety checklist
  • Privilege hacks
  • And more