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Report CrowdStrike Best Practices to Secure Cloud-Native Applications

Best Practices to Secure Cloud-Native Applications

As organisations expand their use of cloud infrastructure, the risk of potential attacks by cloud-conscious adversaries grows. Common challenges in developing a robust cloud application security strategy include complexity from using multiple siloed tools, leading to misconfigurations; a lack of unified, real-time visibility and protection across multi-cloud and hybrid environments; and inadequate threat detection and response to adversary activity. The need to address these issues is crucial for ensuring speed, efficiency, and accuracy in protecting cloud-native applications.

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Some of the most common issues that organisations must consider when developing and implementing their cloud application security strategy and technology include:

  • Complexity from multiple siloed tools, which can lead to misconfigurations
  • Lack of unified, real-time visibility and protection across multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments
  • Poor threat detection and response to adversary activity