15 IoT Devices That Are Being Hacked at Work


Lior Zitzman Director of Digital Audience at BigRentz

Thursday, February 13, 2020

From the key fob to your car, to the air conditioner in your office, there are many things that are vulnerable to be hacked into thanks to the Internet of Things.

Infographic 4 Minutes
15 IoT Devices That Are Being Hacked at Work

Technology has advanced to the point that everything can be connected, making usability in our workspaces much easier. But with the ease of usability of connectedness comes a price: those items are more vulnerable to hacking attempts.

This is especially true for people in the office. As more work is done online, and businesses are connecting every device together, things are becoming more vulnerable to a hack.

For example, security systems can be infiltrated by bad actors and act as an access point to your whole system, compromising everything that’s connected. Another thing that can happen is that hackers can get into your wireless printer in a number of surprising ways, accessing documents that have been printed. Other systems can act as entry points, allowing hackers to “leapfrog” across connected devices and steal valuable and private data from you.

This isn’t just regulated to the office workspace either: many construction sites are open and vulnerable to an attack. Forbes did a report on a hacker who’s able to take control of a crane easily with a simple line of code.

Learning which items can be hacked and for what purposes is incredibly important, but that itself can be complicated. BigRentz was worried too, and so they compiled a list to help show what can be hacked in our everyday lives. Check out the full infographic below.

The most hackable IoT devices according to BigRentz

Lior Zitzman

Lior Zitzman is the Director of Digital Audience at BigRentz, a construction equipment rentals marketplace with a network of over 1,500 rental partners. He has more than 15 years of experience in enterprise-level SEO at automotive publishing and equipment companies.


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28/02/2020 Eric Kameda
I am not connected to my companies IT department.