Everything You Need to Know About Business Data Analytics


Abhijeet PadhyContent Writer at JanBask

Monday, April 4, 2022

Do you know what data analytics is? In very general terms, the practice consists of the process of transforming data into useful information for the most diverse business purposes.

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Everything You Need to Know About Business Data Analytics
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One of the most common objectives for carrying out this task is to improve the performance of companies in the market during digital transformation.

Data is the new oil. You may have heard this phrase before, but what does it mean? In the current data age, performing analysis is the most powerful strategy within a company, capable of revolutionizing its decision-making.

What is data analysis?

Data analysis is a procedure that aims to transform numbers and information into insights for decision-making. Despite being used in different areas, it’s in the corporate world this the process stands out.

With digital transformation and the internet, companies have started to work with a large volume of data, such as contracts, customer financial information, consumer purchase profiles, market strategies and performance indicators.

The process, then, emerges as responsible for transforming a database into real opportunities. In other words, reports and numbers can be used in favor of business development.

What are the types of data analysis?

Gathering information is just the first step in the process, and you need to use good tactics to take advantage of their full potential.

In this sense, it is essential that you recognize the different types of data analysis.

1. Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses past facts to visualize and predict future events. For this reason, it is one of the most demanded techniques in the day-to-day lives of companies, helping them to protect themselves from risks and to take better advantage of opportunities.

To put it into practice, it’s necessary to collect data from the most diverse sources to cross-reference information that will enrich the analysis and bring predictive and intelligent insights.

2. Prescriptive analytics

Prescriptive analytics can be confused with predictive analytics, but despite the similarities, their objectives are different: they do not focus on predicting the future, but on determining the consequences of decisions made.

Its central idea, therefore, is to identify the best strategies according to existing standards. In this way, more assertive decisions, it contributes to improving business performance.

3. Descriptive analysis

Descriptive analysis performs data mining in real-time, aiming to find quick and safe answers to the various questions that exist in a company's daily life.

With descriptive analytics, the study is done to base decisions on the present, not the future.

4. Diagnostic analysis

Diagnostic analysis aims to make a broader and more general check on a given situation. Thus, while the descriptive takes care of the credit analysis, it focuses on tracing a profile of consumer behavior and improving its marketing and sales actions, for example.

In other words, this procedure uses the data to help with business planning as the diagnoses made show patterns and general information.

How does data analytics work?

Data analytics entails more than just data analysis. The majority of the required effort is done ahead of time while compiling datasets. The following steps are included in the process of performing data analysis:

1. Data collection

Because data collection is the foundation for all other activities, it must correspond to the business objectives. Web scraping, database queries and Big Data tools can all be used to acquire data.

Even though there’s a vast amount of data available today, only relevant data can provide the necessary insights to meet corporate objectives. In today's world, data comes in a variety of formats, including structured and unstructured formats like text, photos and videos, which are then partitioned for further data analysis.

2. Data processing

The data obtained is frequently unstructured and contains a large number of missing values, making analysis challenging. Data processing ensures the integrity of data by cleaning and changing it into the required format. Imputation techniques are used to deal with null values and outliers, as well as various transformation methods to distribute data uniformly.

3. Data analysis

To comprehend data and reach conclusions, data analysts use a variety of applications and tools. To evaluate associations, data analysis necessitates the development of statistical data models such as correlation and regression analysis. Data visualization tools may be used in this approach to detect linear, continuous properties that are inhibited within features.

4. Data interpretation

Data interpretation is the process of analyzing data using predetermined procedures in order to get a well-informed result. By generating interactive dashboards and reports, data interpretation assists data analysts in making the audience grasp the importance of numerical data. This method discovers facts and patterns in order to obtain useful information.

How does business data analytics help your business?

Are your customers switching alliances due to poor user experiences? Do you know the right steps your company needs to take in the review process? Implementing data analytics to drive smart and effective business decision-making has its benefits. But it's not an easy ABC. What you can’t ignore is that your company needs it more than ever. See what data analytics can do for your business:

Identify business opportunities

Analyzing critical data can reveal new opportunities you may have overlooked and identify untapped customer segments. Using an intelligence-based approach opens you up to endless opportunities that your competitors don't know about.

Efficient operations

Data analytics does more than simplify your operations and drive return on investment (ROI). Analytics gives you a preview of your audience, which makes it easier to target ads that resonate with them.

Effective marketing

Data helps you better understand your target audience. Data analytics provides creative insights that help your business better market to your customers. You can preview your campaigns and improve them for the best results.

With the right analytics tool(s), you can determine the demographics that will resonate with your marketing campaign. This makes it very easy to modify your targeting and messaging strategies, which results in more conversions and less effort.

Best customer service

Data analytics literally offers customer insights on a silver platter. This simplifies how you customize your offerings to meet consumer needs. Even if it doesn't lead to stronger customer relationships, it does build brand loyalty.

Better decision making

Insights from data analytics can help companies revitalize their decision-making processes. You no longer rely on smart assumptions to make critical marketing, content product development or planning decisions. Think of analytics as a 360-degree view of your customers.

Mitigating risk and fraud

Security and fraud analysis is part of the broader analytical picture. This is what keeps your business safe from internal and external fraud incidents. Done right, analysis can help uncover inconsistencies that encourage fraud.

Why is data analytics training crucial?

In today's data-driven world, data analytics is an essential domain. You've probably heard of the term data analytics and possibly even data analytics training offered by training institutes. Let’s delve a little deeper into why you should opt for data analytics training:

  • Huge potential for growth

The sky's the limit for a data analyst with the correct data analytics training and skill on their side. We have already accumulated approximately 2.7 Zettabytes of data as of 2017. One of the main reasons why data science is so popular right now is because of this.

  • Salaries are high

Expect hefty pay when there's a lot of growth. This is also the case with Data Analytics. Whether you call it the rule of nature or the benefits of living in the digital world, Data Analyst or a Data Engineer are always in serious demand.

  • Multiple specializations

While the terms data analyst and data engineer may not conjure up pictures of a magician in most people's minds, a data analyst accomplishes just that. You may seriously construct a career of your choice all inside the domain of Data Analyst because it is a large domain with several specialties depending on your core strengths and preferences.

  • Attractive workplace environment

There will never be a dull time in the office if you work as a Data Analyst. Your work is not fixed in stone, which means you will be performing a lot of things you have never done before. You must come up with ideas, plans and tactics that will assist a business in achieving its objectives. All of this and more will be taught to you through professional data analytics training.

Abhijeet Padhy

Abhijeet is a Content Writer at JanBask. Also, popularly known as “Abhikavi” in the creative arena, his Technical articles emphasize the balance between informative needs and SEO skills, but never at the expense of entertaining reading.


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