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Infographic How Finance Can Build a Data Foundation to Fuel Frictionless Finance

How Finance Can Build a Data Foundation to Fuel Frictionless Finance [Infographic]

Organizations across industries and around the world are looking to accelerate their digital transformation efforts post-pandemic in an effort to better meet the challenges of the future.

The finance function is accelerating a shift that was already under way, with a focus on data—in terms of collection, access, and analysis—to provide even greater value to the business. Frictionless finance—or using automation and machine learning tools to eliminate tedious manual tasks from core finance processes—appears to be the future of how enterprises will evolve to create data-driven strategies to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

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We surveyed 267 CFOs globally at medium and large enterprises about the biggest gaps their finance organizations have experienced in the past year, where they have made the greatest progress to close those gaps, and where they plan to focus their resources.