

Ortto is a comprehensive customer data platform, marketing automation, and analytics solution for businesses. Their platform is designed to unify and streamline data, messaging, and analytics, providing companies with a central hub for managing and optimizing their marketing efforts. With Ortto, businesses can gather, organize, and analyze customer data, enabling them to create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. The platform offers features such as data quality management, lead database management, segmentation, and interface specifications for seamless integration with other software. Ortto is suitable for a wide range of businesses seeking to enhance their marketing strategies and improve customer engagement.

Solution Categories

Business Intelligence Software

Business Intelligence Software

Business Intelligence Software refers to a type of software that is designed to collect, analyze, an...

Data Management Software

Data Management Software

Data management software refers to a type of technology that is designed to efficiently handle and o...

Master Data Management Software

Master Data Management Software

Master Data Management (MDM) software refers to a specialized tool or system designed to effectively...

Data Quality Software

Data Quality Software

Data quality software refers to a type of technology designed to improve the accuracy, consistency, ...

Lead Management Software

Lead Management Software

Lead management software refers to a digital tool or system that helps businesses effectively manage...

Lead Generation Software

Lead Generation Software

Lead generation software refers to a digital tool or platform designed to help businesses generate l...

Content Marketing Software

Content Marketing Software

Content marketing software refers to a range of digital tools and platforms that assist businesses i...

Personalization Software

Personalization Software

Personalization software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to tailor thei...

Lead Capture Software

Lead Capture Software

Lead capture software refers to a digital tool or platform that helps businesses collect and manage ...

Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing analytics software refers to a specialized tool or platform that helps businesses measure,...

Customer Data Platforms

Customer Data Platforms

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are software systems that aggregate and organize customer data from v...

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