

Opendatasoft is a global leader in the democratization of data. They provide an all-in-one Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that allows organizations to quickly create compelling data experiences. The platform enables users to create new data services, organize and improve the quality of their data, and enrich it with third-party data. Opendatasoft's internal data portal helps employees save valuable time by facilitating self-service data access and supporting various business activities. Their data portal solution has achieved the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Smart City Competency, making it a trusted choice for smart city programs and open data initiatives. The company's offerings have been adopted by a diverse range of clients, including government agencies, businesses, and organizations that require efficient data management and visualization tools. With Opendatasoft, users can analyze their data usage using advanced features like data lineage, foster collaboration within the Opendatasoft ecosystem, and power open data portals in the cloud.

Solution Categories

Portal Software

Portal Software

Portal software refers to a digital platform that allows users to access and manage information, ser...

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