

Graylog, Inc. is a log management software company based in Houston, Texas. They are known for their industry-leading log management and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions. Graylog's main product, also called Graylog, is a centralized log management tool that enables enterprises to capture, store, and analyze terabytes of machine data in real-time. Their log analysis tool, Graylog, collects, aggregates, and correlates event log data, providing better monitoring capabilities across complex environments. Graylog is widely used by organizations of all sizes and industries for network monitoring, troubleshooting, security analysis, and business intelligence purposes. Their software streamlines data collection and analysis, making it easy to derive insights and answers from log data.

Solution Categories

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity software refers to a specialized type of software designed to protect computer systems...

Network Management Software

Network Management Software

Network management software refers to a specialized program or suite of tools designed to monitor, c...

Log Management Software

Log Management Software

Log management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations collect, sto...

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