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Report Cvent

A Spotlight On Technology Companies

Hybrid Events Generate Demand And Deepen Relationships

As technology companies pivoted from physical events to virtual most struggled to integrate event management technologies to deliver a compelling attendee experience.

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Download the report today to understand key event trends in the tech industry:

  • Although companies continue to invest in events, most are unable to measure ROI
  • Technology firms struggle to deliver engaging and profitable virtual events
  • Technology firms plan to digitally enable event practices

Solution Categories

Event Management Software

Event Management Software

Event management software is a digital tool designed to streamline and enhance the planning, organiz...

Event Booking Software

Event Booking Software

Event booking software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables individuals or businesses t...

Event Check In Software

Event Check In Software

Event check-in software is a digital solution designed to streamline the process of registering and ...

Event Marketing Software

Event Marketing Software

Event marketing software refers to a technological tool or platform designed to assist businesses in...

Mobile Event Apps

Mobile Event Apps

Mobile event apps refer to smartphone applications designed specifically for event management and at...