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Report Dataiku Staffing the AI Enterprise: A Guide to Data Democratization

Staffing the AI Enterprise: A Guide to Data Democratization

Through Hiring, Upskilling, and Retaining Great Data Talent

Data science, machine learning, and AI are becoming table stakes for businesses today, with more and more companies realizing the need to leverage them or else risk falling behind the competition. What’s more, it’s become increasingly clear that the path to success lies in the democratization of data efforts across the business (as opposed to siloing it within a specific team or role).

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  • A comprehensive framework for mapping an organization's AI staffing needs, as well as hiring, upskilling, and retaining great data talent.
  • Go over the different data profiles and which ones to hire depending on the organizational needs
  • Strategies for attracting and retaining the right data talent through data democratization
  • Upskilling
  • A feature on tackling remote data science