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Report One Identity Privilege Account Governance

Privilege Account Governance

Close the gap between privileged access - and standard-user identities

Now, there’s no reason why you can’t have a complete view of all your identities and rights, from standard-user to privileged users. One Identity’s Privileged Account Governance (PAG) bridges the management gap.

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The benefits of integrating these two solutions include:

  • A central repository to manage all accounts (privileged, and non-privileged).
  • Unified identity lifecycle management and provisioning processes that eliminate administration silos.
  • Simplified compliance and governance with centralized policy and administration.
  • Consistent access-governance processes that eliminate redundant tasks and enforce separation of duties (SoD) policies.
  • A streamlined user experience.

Solution Categories

Identity Management Software

Identity Management Software

Identity management software refers to a computer program or application that facilitates the manage...

Authentication Software

Authentication Software

Authentication software refers to computer programs and systems that verify the identity of users or...

Password Management Software

Password Management Software

Password management software refers to a tool or application designed to securely store and manage p...

Privileged Access Management Software

Privileged Access Management Software

Privileged Access Management (PAM) Software refers to a specialized solution that helps organization...