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  • How To Build and Evaluate Better Clinical Trial Enrollment Plans
Ebook SAS for Clinical Trial Enrollment Simulation

How To Build and Evaluate Better Clinical Trial Enrollment Plans

SAS for Clinical Trial Enrollment Simulation

Clinical trial enrollment targets are often missed because the methods used to create the plans are based on assumptions and static projections. SAS® Clinical Enrollment Simulation uses powerful discrete event simulation to devise better projections for enrollment. As a result, sponsors, Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and Site Management Organizations (SMOs) can develop faster, more strategic enrollment plans to reduce timelines, minimize costs and gain greater insight into the trial enrollment process. Download this eBook to learn more about the challenges, our approach and business impact.

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Estimates show that approximately 90% of clinical trials do not meet their patient enrollment targets on time. This can lead to significant delays in approval times, which can cost sponsors millions of dollars and negatively impact the reputation of the Clinical Research Organization (CRO) responsible for the conduct of the study..

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