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Report Workjam Next Generation Task Management

Next Generation Task Management

Audit & Track the health status of each location and employee.

As businesses around the world reopen, the onus is on employers to ensure reboarded staff feels safe returning to their workplace. To create this safe work environment, employers must have the right technology and strategy in place to minimize the risk of exposure to employees and customers. Comprehensive testing is not the only key to controlling the spread of the coronavirus. It’s also crucial in enabling organizations to create a safe physical environment, reassuring employees and customers, as well as complying with local laws and regulations. Proactive checks for employees can help to detect the virus early and may lead to employees staying home when feeling unwell.

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  • Informing employees of what they need to do and how to do it well.
  • Reducing the manual workload of managers.
  • Ensuring results consistently across locations and teams.
  • Giving leadership insight into progress.
  • Simplifying and assuring compliance.