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Report Ivalua How Leading CPOs Are Mastering Procurement's Post-Pandemic Response

How Leading CPOs Are Mastering Procurement's Post-Pandemic Response

Preparing for a new level of success in the post-pandemic economy.

Nearly all of procurement’s plans for 2020 had to be abandoned in the face of the pandemic. CPOs and their teams have learned a lot from this past year’s disruptions and uncertainty, and these first-hand lessons are now serving as the foundation of an expanded vision of the future of procurement. The ability to build supply chain resilience is only one of many objectives that will determine whether procurement is stuck in pandemic lethargy. Download this whitepaper to find out what leading procurement organisations are doing to pivot how they support their business and position themselves for long-term impact.

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  • Understanding the total cost of resilience
  • Transforming workflows for speed and transparency
  • Illuminating procurement’s roadblocks and advantages